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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Let's Talk Gundam

OK, I have been a Gunpla (Gundam modelling) maniac for many many years but surprisingly I have never blogged about it before. So here goes.

In 2007, Gundam 00 (double-oh) was released. It is another great Gundam series and as with all the other Gundam series', plastic model kits are released.

A brief introduction on these model kits.

Most common sizes : 1/60 (Large), 1/100 (Medium), 1/144 (Small).
Most common grades :
First Grade - Small, few pieces to assemble, very minimal details and colouring.
High Grade - More pieces and details.
Master Grade - Even more pieces, has a sorta exo-skeleton for higher posing ability, much more detailed.
Perfect Grade - Nearly perfect in every way.

My 3 most favourite Gundam models are the Wing Zero from Gundam Wing, Destiny from Gundam Seed and Exia from Gundam 00.

Throughout my childhood I have many FG models. 2 years ago I had the HG Wing Zero and received the HG Infinity Justice. This year, I am spending alot more time and money on my newly-revived hobby. ^^

In 2008 so far I only have the 1/100 Gundam Kyrios, and also the MG Destiny Gundam Extreme Blast Mode. I will be buying at least another 5 more in the next 2 months (thank god I'm working part time XD)

- Gundam Kyrios (unmarked and unlined. Waiting for my markers to arrive from Japan)

- The transformed version of the above Kyrios

- My unfixed MG Destiny EBM. Too busy to fix. Gonna buy more and fix in one shot. XD

- My collection of HG kits (plus the tiny version of the Dynames)

Now, I do not only fix Gundam's for myself. I also fix for some of my friends (those who just want the final product standing on their display cabinet) for a small fee of course ^^

Among them is the huge 1/60 scale Gundam Exia. Pics!

- The body. Look closely and you will see the pilot in the cockpit. XD

- Comparison between the Exia's body size against my Kyrios

- The Exia fully built and armed to the teeth (7 swords yo!)

- Back view of the Exia. In my opinion, the best part of the model. LoL

- Exia and it's box

- Lastly, group photo! XD

Coming soon to my collection in the 2nd quarter of 2008 :
- MG Lukas Strike E + IWSP
- Gundam Astraea 1/100
- Gundam Virtue/Nadeelh 1/100
- Gundam Exia 1/100
- Gundam Dynames 1/100
- Gundam Exia 1/60 ^^

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