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Monday, May 26, 2008

Sessions With Sam

Ok, basically this is THE follow up of my previous post, entitled Friends. I have been putting off this update (and another newer one) for quite awhile now.

Nevertheless, there are some things you jz gotta do... So take a deep breath... There are 14 parts...

Part 1 - About backing off
My 1st post mentioned that Sam told me to back off...

Sam : "first of all, asking you to 'back off' is for your own gooD..
wat i mean is tings are getting worse, and I dont want you to involve in it~but if you wanna take it the wrong way, fine with me~"

Munz : "ok.. for my own gooD. then i apologize. thanks.. wads d next prob?"

Part 2 - About taking sides
Sam said that we as his friends, took sides in the argument, and that he felt betrayed...

Sam : "second, wat hurt me the most is the conversation you all started in his blog..
you know wat, that time our 'argument' almost ended, as I did mention in Tzia's blog~
wat you all (you don and boon ken) wrote back then really hurts me deep down inside my heart..

I'm not saying you taking sides.. wat i think was, friends will at least stand by my side, or none! look back what you all had said the first time~"

Munz : "i said it was an awesome argument. doon said he wanted to belanja him. ken said d argument made his day. so wad? dat jz means dat d conversation rawked.. unless u forgot, right after u gave me d link, i said "WOWZ"."

Sam : "try to imagine my feelings after viewing wat you all wrote then..
my frens taking side, not mine at least~ and again, I prefer my fren taking my side, or none!wat you all wrote just made me felt like you all had make the pick.."

Munz : "i said d same "WOW" stuff to u as well. its not calLed taking sides. it's calLed enjoying what we read"

Part 3 - About Don
About the stuff he said to Don...

Sam : "and wat i mentioned to Don, is according to wat he had said in his blog too..
something about me being such a kid.. so I replied (not threaten FOR GOD SAKE, i never threaten my fren) to him : I do have limit (not about him) i can tolerate on many thing but something is forbid for me(as for the argument and challenge by Hansern, not Don) and again, wanna take it the wrong way, go ahead"

Munz : "i neva wna take things d wrong way.. if its not against don, but against hansern den its fine wif me. but i sugGest u apologize 2 don oso. coz he's oso hurt"

Sam : "I will explain to him, but not apologize.. just a misunderstanding bout that"

Part 4 - About stepping on his tail
It's a chinese probverb... Read on...

Sam : "ONE LAST THING, I very firm on my own principles..
I can be Mr. Nice Guy to everyone and anyone, but not anymore when you 'stepped on my tail' (so to speak in Cantonese)cause wat I had went through taught me that no use for being mercy to your enemies.. just make them think that you're gullible and bullyAble!"

Munz : "yeah i respect that.. so wad other part of ur tail hv i stepped on dat u wna tok abouot?"

Sam : "no, its a proverb in cantonese.. means 'just dont break wat I viewed as FORBID rules', which I had mentioned just now"

Munz : "i noe lah.. zzz"

Part 5 - Sarcasm as a form of betrayal
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the statement of the year

Sam : "oh yA, I take BEING SARCASTIC as a form of BETRAY too, just so you know"

Munz : "zzz.. stupid.. u neva learn CTS ah? zzz.. sarcasm as a form of betrayal.. no logic man"

Sam : "for me, being sarcastic is a form of not faithful to your fren.. if both are really true frens, there's no need for sarcasm.. as my name! I had quite a lot of frens which is totally not sarcastic AT ALL.. and we had been frens for 13 years! I just dont see the problem, and why cant 2 real truthful frens be honest to each other.. including point out the problem or weakness, praise, giving opinions WITHOUT SARCASM~"

Munz : "dats ur point of view.. we were never sarcastic to u.. plS point out if we were. "

Part 6 - About misinterpreting things in a heated argument
Anger, the language barrier, and eerything in between...

Sam : "1 thing to add on, back then, its too late for you trying to 'cool us down' after you all's first speech~ and I know you did try to at least, but I didnt see a hell thing Don trying to do other than pouring oil on the fire.."

Munz : "zzz.. don jz wants u all to stop. every1 wants u all to stop.. simple as dat"

Sam : "the way I see it (back then), its just you all supporting him..
I knew you did told me its sarcasm later on, but hell~ try to think from my side..

when I'm in a heat arguments, my fren praising my enemies (doesnt care if its sarcasm, i only see wat i see, WORDS) like 'thank you dude, you made my day' and 'oh I should really belanja you minum sometimes, the conversation is fucking awesome'..
wat would you think if you're me"

Munz : "If I were you I wudnt hv took it as a form of betrayal or sacasm... they jz said wad dey read. We never took sides. n wads wrong if don n ken enjoyed d conversation? if u read carefully, dey DID NOT AT ALL PRAISE him. we jz enjoyed it dats all. i dont see anytin wrong. especially since u were d one who asked me 2 read in d 1st place"

Sam : "you only said that not long ago tonight, i didnt know back then..
plus, you can said that I misinterpret it.. but when I'm in a heat argument (with a heated brain), I'll just take thing literally,, which I see offend from what you all first wrote which anyone will under normal circumstances"

Munz : "i told u, u find it offensive coz u DONT UNDERSTAND IT and also u MISINTERPRETED IT. now dat i xplained it so clearly to u, i tink u shud b able to see dat we DID NOT AT ALL TAKE SIDES and also there is NO WRONG IN ENJOYING A CONVERSATION. if u still want to think otherwise, i sugGest u take d conversation n go ask ur english teacher lyk miss selina or sth"

Sam : "again I said, under that heated circumstances, I take words for its meaning.. if wat all you did now is just to force an admission of guilt out of me, you can have it.. but i wanna said, i dont see any problem if i really did misinterpret that meaning, which I assume anyone will~ just like how you all interpret my THREATS to you all.. the thought of threating my fren is totally against my principles, I NEVER IN A MILLION YEaRS WILL THINK OF THAT TO A FREN!"

Munz : "yeah,. i told u 2 xplain d threat thing to don. as for admitting guilt or watever.. i had no such idea. but i totally understand d "misinterpreting things in a heated argument". i will take dat as a closure. wad about u?"

Part 7 - About the wound in his heart
I'm EMO pt.1

Sam : "I know you all didnt mean wat you did back then, but still, there's a wound in my heart,, you think thats so damn easy to heal"

Munz : "wounds will oni heal wif understanding.. if u say ur wound cant heal, means all dat ive been xplaining about for d past few hours is useless. u can accept it and move on. no 1 is blaming or being blamed. or, u can go on thinking dat every1 is against u, n dat ure hurt, n dat d world sux, n den go hear more emo songs"

Sam : "I had explained to Don that its a total misunderstanding that he took that msg as a threat.. I against no one but only Hansern in this case.. but '说多错多' (say more wrong more), so I just explain briefly to him~ dont wanna make thing worse anymore"

Munz : "yeah. dats all fine and gooD. but ure still blabBering about d wound in ur heart dat is supposedly caused by us."

Sam : "about your wound talk.. As you said, I'm a damn sensitive person, I know that as well.. For me, something which had been inflicted to me will still make me thinking bout it.. I need some time to cool down and reconsider~i mean, will still make me thinking about it, even though its healed"

Munz : "i told u, d oni way u can heal d wound is to accept and understand. if u dont do dat, no point. as for d thinking about it AFTER its healed, its oso pointless coz if it is healed, means u understand and accept."

Sam : "wat i take frenship is, there wont even a chance for misunderstanding~ forgive me if I'm not like the others, cause my other frenship is totally like that.."

Part 8 - About the PERFECT friendship
Dowan the cetak rompak punya frenship...

Sam : "I always said 'opening up yourself to someone else = opening up yourself to the chance of getting hurt (both in frenship and relationship)'
thats wat i cant tolerate with most of the BETRAYAL (you know wat i mean, misunderstanding~)"

Munz : "yeah keep telling urself bout our betrayal. n i noe wads ur prob.. u seek perfection, or at least u think u do."

Sam : "not literally, you know wat i mean. but i do found one, just hoping others will likely or mostly be the same.. though still havent found any else so far"

Munz : "zzz.. keep searching for wad ure looking for. no1 is stopping u"

Part 9 - About facing the problem
Here's a tissue for those tears...

Munz : "anyting lah. i dowaN tok adi. u keep sulking away lyk a small child lah. hv a problem, face it.. not back off and sulk.. no use 1"

Sam : "well, thats my principles.. which most ppl take it immature, but i dont care.. take it or leave it ( i mean it in a nice way, no more further misunderstanding)"

Munz : "d reason ppl open up is to face n solve problems.. dis world has pplenty of problems to solve. i tried solving sum wif you. im fine now. u wna think small u go ahead"

Sam : "tell me, how am I not facing it"

Munz : "im oso not talking in an angry tone.. jz advising u as a friend"

Sam : "i know, i also asking you gentlely"

Munz : "ure not facing it coz ure still sulking, saying u hv a broken heart etc etc. y dont u face it, accept it, n hv fun? i noe ure gna say u need time etc etc.. finee.. nth wrong wif dat"

Sam : "see, thats the problem.. you're not gonna add things like 'no haRd feelings' or 'no pun intended' in every sentence while you talk to your fren right thats the frenship i looking for dude"

Munz : "i dont.. i never needed to. but since u seem to misunderstand alot, coz maybe ur english not so gooD, or maybe ure too sensitive.. dats y"

Part 10 - About space
I need some space and time to heal...

Sam : "to be honest lar dude, when i said 'i need time', usually thats the way I try to stay away from someone and let it be just like when we're not fren before~ but you see, thats my insist.. '一次不忠,百次不用' ~ if you know the meaning of this proverb"

Munz : "haha. i dun understand it. but wad i understand is dat u wna space away frm us.. fine wif me man. enjoy ur life."

Sam : "well you can take it that way.. I cannot see the future.. wat i can say now is, i will try working on that~ take nicholas as example, i never thought we're gonna be fren again..
turned out its just something i thought its so damn serious back then, just a minor problem
(and suRe of course not about his apologize, cause I wont accept apologize either once I marked someone as enemy)"

Munz : "i dont find this a serious problem. oni u do. im fine wif anyting. i lyk to see ppl happy. if u need space, take it man, seriously.. zzz.."

Sam : "maybe a kuantan trip will do, shall see after I come back~
now i really dont wanna bluff you said I'm okay and continue anything included training.. thats not wat a fren will do.. one more thing.. '将心比心' thats wat i was looking for in frenship if you know wat that means"

Munz : "i dno lah =.=. anyways, i hope u find d kinda fren u reli want. n friends dun keep bullshiTting bout "as a friend, as a friend" zzz.. anyting jz get over it lah.. zzz"

Sam : "go check chinese dictionary then.. thats truly the 4 words can define all the rules I'm searching in frenship"

Munz : "zzz.. u noe can adi.. coz its wad ure lukin for"

Sam : "well, you're right.. but it only built on the foundation when you knew the person LONG enough to know that all the misunderstanding is just BULLSHIT.. no offense, but you know our frenship still counted as quite fresh..

Munz : "if u oni judge a relationship by time, den i cant blame u for saying its fresh. but if u judge it on interaction, i tink theres alot in wad we went through"

Sam : "and of course, when I was with you all, i didnt think bout that"

Munz : "as for LONG term, den i sugGest u dun make any frens until u mix wif dem for lyk 10 years or more"

Part 11 - About Quality and Quantity

Sam : "i know wat you mean, about the interaction talk.. its never the quantity of time, but quality~wat i said is, wat we went through is not enough to make all the misunderstanding gone without even talk bout it.. at least N0T YET. and understanding is the process of frenship, not the outcomes when it really put into test.."

Munz : "zzz.. its all in ur head lor.. im not u.. u wna say how long it takes oso can."

Sam : "well, just noT yet reach that level where you can smile on EVERY SINGLE misunderstanding "

Munz : "wen we reach dat lvl u tell me.. now i gtg train 1st coz dat level too high. i bot oso take dam long to reach dat level i tink"

Part 12 - About disappointment
I'm EMO pt.2

Sam : "thats why I said 'disappointed with you all', not 'mad' or 'hate'.. just disappointed, cause I still care of you all's views.. well anyway, i think too late to say that~"

Munz : "yeah. im oso disapointed wif u coz i tot u were mature but u whine lyk a kid after a misunderstanding n cant accept wads in front of u"

Sam : "all i can say is, accepting.. cause i trying to wipe the memOries of the misunderstanding since it hurts me so deep.. at least i tell you the truth I'm still not okay~ you want me to bluff you that I am which I'm not so that the frenship can continue, like these never happen"

Munz : "zzz.. no need to bluff lah. wen u done wiping ur memory u tell me k"

Part 13 : Overthinking
Maturity vs Childishness

Munz : "ppl overthink to maturity. u used to b lyk dat. now u overthink to childishness"

Sam : "not like that.. put it this way when i overthink, it usually about maturity its only childish when i INSISTED about it or JUST RELY ON IT"

Munz : "yeah. n now ure insisting (in ur head) dat we are wrong. coz u dun wna accept a simple thing n get on wif life. ive blamed myself many times before. it helps. maybe u shud try"

Sam : "at least wrong on timing.. guess wat bother me the most.. I think I wont misunderstand it under normal circumstances though"

Munz : "dats jz plain dumb u noe. so jz imagine it lyk normal lah. we;re not d one arguing wif u oso.. so wads so abnormal about dat?"

Sam : "thats wat i am trying, and it had made me feel lots better lar of course.. but still, not 100%, to be honest~"

Part 14 - Cultivating DEEPER friendship during vacation
Poke backside deep? - Quote of the year ^^

Sam : "DAMN I SHOULD REALLY GET A VACATION. thats wat i said.. none of these would have happen if you all agree to go REDANG with me~ come on dude, a big chance to knowing each other more deeply"

There... Against all odds, I managed to put the entire thing up here word-for-word. I do this with total respect for the other party, though he may not know it, and might therefore start misinterpreting things again.

Before we go, let me set something straight. Sam is a nice guy. No questions bout that. He is helpful etc etc. I do not forget the times he helped me. But, people also have their shortcomings. For Sam, it's his tendency to get sensitive and start misinterpreting things. I sincerely respect his personal views and opinions. But if it gets too personal, I have to do something about it (next post!)

For now, just comment on this post. Go discuss it in the CBOX or sumtin. I don't care. And if anyone finds me in the wrong, do point it out. Many thanks.

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